

Modern systems for digital equipment and software Seminar at the Egyptian Road Authority

The Egyptian-Emirates Consulting Group for Arab African Studies "CGAAM" and US International Cybernetics held a scientific symposium at the headquarters of the General Authority for Roads, Bridges and Land Transportation,cairo, under the title "Modern Technologies &Equipment for the Management and Evaluation of Pavement Road Assets and Bridges". , And Jason Trotter as International Cybernetics, the US partner of CGAAM.

Eng. Sherif Abou El-Senoun, General Manager of the "CGAAM" Group, said that the symposium dealt with explaining and analyzing the latest digital non destructive equipment and software in the field of roads and bridges Assets Management Systems, which are produced by the American company "International Cybernetics" and those modern systems are currently being used in most European and American countries and some Gulf countries: - IRIS (Integrated Road Information System) digital system for the evaluation and management of roads and bridges assets and is a modern digital technology for collecting and numbering road and bridges network data throughout the Republic of Egypt and evaluating them periodically after exposure to all conditions, whether climate or traffic.

- The RAMS (Road Asset Management Systen) digital system for the management of maintenance of Roads and Bridges Assets is a modern technology in managing, operating, directing and controlling maintenance resources and controlling, optimize them in a modern scientific digital way. This helps to prioritise Budgets required, which reduces a lot of costs, especially for the limited labor needed to complete these tasks.

The symposium was very successful attended by a large number of specialists from various companies, engineering offices and government agencies working in this field, and they praised the tremendous boom in the field of roads that the country witnessed during the past 4 years, praising the efforts made by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and the Egyptian state in the field of roads, bridges and land transport.

The attendees praised also the efforts of the consultative group "CGAAM" and International Cybernetics for their efforts to introduce the latest modern technologies in the field of road assets management systems to the General Authority of Roads& Bridges and Land Transportion GARBLT and other government agencies.

Seminar for Superpave Technology at the General Authority for Roads & Bridges for Better Roads

Seminar for Superpave Technology at the General Authority for Roads & Bridges for Better Roads

Seminar for Superpave Technology at the General Authority for Roads & Bridges for Better Roads.

The Egyptian-Emirates Consulting Group for Arab African Studies (CGAAM) in cooperation with the General Authority For Roads and Bridges (GARBLT) held a seminar on April 7, 2021 under title “Design of Asphalt Mix using Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements (Superpave) for Better Road Performance". Superpave technology depends mainly on the traffic volume and the climatic conditions within the project, and it is very necessary for improving quality control system , avoid current asphalt design defects and for better road performance, especially this technique has been implemented in the United States of America, European countries and some gulf countries 20 years ago.
Eng. Hossam Badr Eldin Head of Central Administration for Road Research Affairs
at GARBLT gave an opening speech in which he welcomed the attendees with a brief explanation of the ongoing development works at the authority and said they started already a plan to study and purchase necessary laboratory devices for Superpave technology in the near future.
The seminar was moderated by the General Manager of the Group Eng. Sherif Mohammed Saad Al-Din Abul Senoun and Dr. Marwa Al-Bani, Teacher of Transport and Road Engineering at Port Said University, and was conducted by Consultant Engineer Adel Hammad and a group of engineers from "CGAAM" consulting office. Dr. Ahmed Al-Gabry, Dean of the Materials Institute at the Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC) also attended the seminar, and a large number of department engineers, consultants and contractors as they know the importance of using this modern technology in road projects in Egypt.

Engineer Abul Senoun said that the seminar included the latest methods of designing asphalt mixtures to be applied in Egypt, and thanked the Chairman of the General Authority for Roads and Bridges (GARBLT) for giving the Group the opportunity to run this seminar and also thanked all the participants who attended the symposium.
Dr. Mubarak Harbi Alkhyeli , the Emirati partner and the Group Contract Manager, after a previous meeting with the Chairman of the Authority, Mr. Major General Engineer Hossam El Din Mostafa, has praised the fruitful cooperation between Egypt and the Emirates in all fields, and praised the great efforts made by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the Egyptian government, to develop the roads and bridges network in Egypt, and he welcomed participation in any future projects in this field.

Seminar for Superpave Technology at GARBLT April 7th, 2021

نظمت المجموعة الإستشارية المصرية الإماراتية للدراسات العربية والافريقية “سيجام” ،ندوة بالتعاون مع الهيئة العامة للطرق والكبارى يوم 7 ابريل 2021 بمقر الهيئة تحت عنوان

(Superpave) تصميم الخلطات الاسفلتية بتقنية السوبربيف لأداء أفضل لمشاريع الطرق

وتعتمد تقنية السوبربيف أساسا على حجم المرور والظروف المناخية بمنطقة المشروع . وذلك نظرا لأهمية هذه التقنية الحديثة فى تحسين ضبط الجودة وتفادى عيوب تصميم الأسفلت الحالية ،وأداء أفضل لمشاريع الطرق ، وخاصة انه قد بدأ تطبيقها بالفعل بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ودول أوروبا وبعض دول الخليج منذ ما يقرب من 20 عاما .

وقد ألقي م. حسام بدر الدين رئيس الادارة المركزية لبحوث مشاريع الطرق بالهيئة العامة للطرق والكباري كلمة افتتاحية رحب فيها بالحضور مع شرح موجز عن أعمال التطوير الجارية بالهيئة وعن البدء الفعلي في دراسة وشراء الاجهزة الخاصة بتقنية السوبربيف في القريب العاجل.

وقد أدار الندوة مدير عام المجموعة م. شريف محمد سعد الدين ابو السنون ود. مروة الباني مدرس هندسة النقل والطرق بجامعة بورسعيد ، وقد حاضر في الندوة المهندس الاستشاري عادل حماد ومجموعة من المهندسين من المكتب الاستشاري”CGAAM“، كما حضر الدكتور أحمد الجابري عميد معهد المواد بالمركز القومي لبحوث الاسكان والبناء وعدد كبير من مهندسى الادارات بالهيئة والاستشاريين والمقاولين وذلك لعلمهم بأهمية استخدام هذه التقنية الحديثة فى مشاريع الطرق في مصر.

وقال المهندس أبو السنون إن الندوة اشتملت على أحدث اساليب تصميم الخلطات الأسفلتية لتطبيقها فى مصر ، كما وجه الشكر لسعادة رئيس هيئة الطرق والكباري لإتاحة الفرصة للمجموعة لإدارة تلك الندوة و وجه الشكر أيضا لكافة المشاركين في الندوة.

وقد أشاد د. مبارك حربي الخييلي الشريك الإماراتي بالمجموعة بعد اجتماع مسبق مع رئيس الهيئة السيد اللواء مهندس حسام الدين مصطفي بالتعاون المثمر بين مصر والإمارات في جميع المجالات وبالجهود الكبيرة التى يبذلها الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسى والحكومة المصرية، لتطوير شبكة الطرق والكبارى فى مصر، ورحب بالإشتراك في اي مشاريع مستقبلية في هذا المجال.

Modern systems for digital equipment and software Seminar at the Egyptian Road Authority

Modern systems for digital equipment and software .it is a Seminar at the Egyptian Road Authority

Online PR News 16-December-2019 Cairo The Egyptian-Emirates Consulting Group for Arab African Studies "CGAAM" and US International Cybernetics held a scientific symposium at the headquarters of the General Authority for Roads, Bridges and Land Transportation,cairo, under the title "Modern Technologies &Equipment for the Management and Evaluation of Pavement Road Assets and Bridges". , And Jason Trotter as International Cybernetics, the US partner of CGAAM.
Eng. Sherif Abou El-Senoun, General Manager of the "CGAAM" Group, said that the symposium dealt with explaining and analyzing the latest digital non destructive equipment and software in the field of roads and bridges Assets Management Systems, which are produced by the American company "International Cybernetics" and those modern systems are currently being used in most European and American countries and some Gulf countries: - IRIS (Integrated Road Information System) digital system for the evaluation and management of roads and bridges assets and is a modern digital technology for collecting and numbering road and bridges network data throughout the Republic of Egypt and evaluating them periodically after exposure to all conditions, whether climate or traffic.
- The RAMS (Road Asset Management Systen) digital system for the management of maintenance of Roads and Bridges Assets is a modern technology in managing, operating, directing and controlling maintenance resources and controlling, optimize them in a modern scientific digital way. This helps to prioritise Budgets required, which reduces a lot of costs, especially for the limited labor needed to complete these tasks.
The symposium was very successful attended by a large number of specialists from various companies, engineering offices and government agencies working in this field, and they praised the tremendous boom in the field of roads that the country witnessed during the past 4 years, praising the efforts made by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and the Egyptian state in the field of roads, bridges and land transport.
The attendees praised also the efforts of the consultative group "CGAAM" and International Cybernetics for their efforts to introduce the latest modern technologies in the field of road assets management systems to the General Authority of Roads& Bridges and Land Transportion GARBLT and other government agencies.

CGAAM البرمجيات الرقمية في مجال الطرق والكباري في ندوة بهيئة الطرق

أقامت أمس المجموعه الاستشاريه المصريه الاماراتيه للدراسات العربيه الأفريقيه"سيجام" ندوه علميه بمقر الهيئه العامه للطرق والكبارى والنقل البرى تحت عنوان " الأنظمه الحديثه للمعدات والخدمات والبرمجيات الرقميه الحديثه فى مجال الطرق والكبارى" ،وقدم الندوه المهندس الاستشارى شريف محمد ابو السنون مديرالمجموعه الاستشاريه سيجام والسيد جاسون تروتر ممثلا لشركة "انترناشونال سايبرنيتكس" الشريك الأمريكى للمجموعه الاستشاريه سيجام

قال المهندس شريف أبو السنون المدير العام لمجموعة"سيجام" أن الندوه تناولت بالشرح والتحليل لأحدث المعدات والبرمجيات الرقميه فى مجال الطرق والكبارى، والتى تنتجها الشركه الأمريكيه"سايبرنيتكس"ومن تلك الانظمة الحديثة والتى تستخدم حاليا فى الدول الاوروبية والامريكية وبعض الدول الخليجية.:- النظام الرقمى IRIS لتقييم وادارة اصول الطرق والكبارى ،ويعتبر تقنية رقمية حديثة لجمع وترقيم بيانات شبكة الطرق والكبارى فى انحاء الجمهورية ،وتقييمها دوريا بعد التعرض لجميع الظروف سواء المناخية او المرورية.

- النظام الرقمى RAMS لإدارة نظم الصيانة ،يعتبر تقنية حديثة فى ادارة وتشغيل وتوجيه موارد الصيانة والتحكم بها بطريقة علمية رقمية حديثة ،ومن خلال رصد وجمع البيانات عن الشبكة باستخدام برمجيات حديثة يتم تحديد طرق الصيانة واولوياتها وتكاليفها بصورة علمية ودقيقة، وبالتالى تحديد الميزانيات المطلوبة مما يقلل الكثير من التكاليف وخاصة لمحدودية العمالة اللازمة لانجاز تلك الأعمال

الجدير بالذكر أن شركة انترناشونال سايبرنتكس International Cybernetics الامريكية تعد من أكبر الشركات العالميه المتخصصة فى هذا المجال منذ 44 عاما.

وقد حضر الندوة عدد كبير من المتخصصين من مختلف الشركات والمكاتب الهندسية والهيئات الحكومية العاملة فى هذا المجال ،واشادوا بالطفرة الهائلة فى مجال الطرق التى شهدتها البلاد خلال ال٤ سنوات الماضية مشيدين بالجهود التى يبذلها الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى والدوله المصريه فى مجال الطرق والكبارى والنقل البرى.

وأشاد الحاضرون بجهود المجموعه الاستشاريه "سيجام" والمهندس شريف أبو السنون على مجهوداته لادخال احدث التقنيات العالمية فى مجال نظم ادارة اصول الطرق الى هيئة الطرق والكبارى والنقل البرى والهيئات الحكومية الاخرى.

Modern Techniques In Evaluation Of Roads & Roads Asset Management (RAMS)


البرمجيات الرقمية في مجال الطرق والكباري في ندوة بهيئة الطرق

أقامت أمس المجموعه الاستشاريه المصريه الاماراتيه للدراسات العربيه الأفريقيه"سيجام ندوه علميه بمقر الهيئه العامه للطرق والكبارى والنقل البرى تحت عنوان " الأنظمه الحديثه للمعدات والخدمات والبرمجيات الرقميه الحديثه فى مجال الطرق والكبارى"

،وقدم الندوه المهندس الاستشارى
شريف محمد ابو السنون مديرالمجموعه الاستشاريه سيجام والسيد جاسون تروتر ممثلا لشركة "انترناشونال سايبرنيتكس" الشريك الأمريكى للمجموعه الاستشاريه سيجام

قال المهندس شريف أبو السنون المدير العام لمجموعة"سيجام" أن الندوه تناولت بالشرح والتحليل لأحدث المعدات والبرمجيات الرقميه فى مجال الطرق والكبارى، والتى تنتجها الشركه الأمريكيه"سايبرنيتكس"ومن تلك الانظمة الحديثة والتى تستخدم حاليا فى الدول الاوروبية والامريكية وبعض الدول الخليجية.:
- النظام الرقمى لتقييم وادارة اصول الطرق والكبارى ،ويعتبر تقنية رقمية حديثة لجمع وترقيم بيانات شبكة الطرق والكبارى فى انحاء الجمهورية ،وتقييمها دوريا بعد التعرض لجميع الظروف سواء المناخية او المرورية.
- النظام الرقمى لإدارة نظم الصيانة ،يعتبر تقنية حديثة فى ادارة وتشغيل وتوجيه موارد الصيانة والتحكم بها بطريقة علمية رقمية حديثة ،ومن خلال رصد وجمع البيانات عن الشبكة باستخدام برمجيات حديثة يتم تحديد طرق الصيانة واولوياتها وتكاليفها بصورة علمية ودقيقة، وبالتالى تحديد الميزانيات المطلوبة مما يقلل الكثير من التكاليف وخاصة لمحدودية العمالة اللازمة لانجاز تلك الأعمال.

الجدير بالذكر أن شركة انترناشونال سايبرنتكس الامريكية تعد من أكبر الشركات العالميه المتخصصة فى هذا المجال منذ 44 عاما.
وقد حضر الندوة عدد كبير من المتخصصين من مختلف الشركات والمكاتب الهندسية والهيئات الحكومية العاملة فى هذا المجال ،واشادوا بالطفرة الهائلة فى مجال الطرق التى شهدتها البلاد خلال ال٤ سنوات الماضية مشيدين بالجهود التى
يبذلها الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسى والدوله المصريه فى مجال الطرق والكبارى والنقل البرى.
وأشاد الحاضرون بجهود المجموعه الاستشاريه "سيجام" والمهندس شريف أبو السنون على مجهوداته لادخال احدث التقنيات العالمية فى مجال نظم ادارة اصول الطرق الى هيئة الطرق والكبارى والنقل البرى والهيئات الحكومية الاخرى.

Modern systems for digital equipment and software ... Seminar at the Egyptian Road Authority

Online PR News 16-December-2019 Cairo The Egyptian-Emirates Consulting Group for Arab African Studies "CGAAM" and US International Cybernetics held a scientific symposium at the headquarters of the General Authority for Roads, Bridges and Land Transportation,cairo, under the title "Modern Technologies &Equipment for the Management and Evaluation of Pavement Road Assets and Bridges". , And Jason Trotter as International Cybernetics, the US partner of CGAAM.
Eng. Sherif Abou El-Senoun, General Manager of the "CGAAM" Group, said that the symposium dealt with explaining and analyzing the latest digital non destructive equipment and software in the field of roads and bridges Assets Management Systems, which are produced by the American company "International Cybernetics" and those modern systems are currently being used in most European and American countries and some Gulf countries: - IRIS (Integrated Road Information System) digital system for the evaluation and management of roads and bridges assets and is a modern digital technology for collecting and numbering road and bridges network data throughout the Republic of Egypt and evaluating them periodically after exposure to all conditions, whether climate or traffic.
- The RAMS (Road Asset Management Systen) digital system for the management of maintenance of Roads and Bridges Assets is a modern technology in managing, operating, directing and controlling maintenance resources and controlling, optimize them in a modern scientific digital way. This helps to prioritise Budgets required, which reduces a lot of costs, especially for the limited labor needed to complete these tasks.
The symposium was very successful attended by a large number of specialists from various companies, engineering offices and government agencies working in this field, and they praised the tremendous boom in the field of roads that the country witnessed during the past 4 years, praising the efforts made by His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and the Egyptian state in the field of roads, bridges and land transport.
The attendees praised also the efforts of the consultative group "CGAAM" and International Cybernetics for their efforts to introduce the latest modern technologies in the field of road assets management systems to the General Authority of Roads& Bridges and Land Transportion GARBLT and other government agencies.

Seminar for Superpave Technology at the General Authority for Roads & Bridges for Better Roads

A Seminar at the General Authority for Roads and Bridges & land Transportation (GARBLT) regarding the design of asphalt mix using the latest International technology

The Egyptian-Emirates Consulting Group for Arab African Studies (CGAAM) in cooperation with the General Authority For Roads and Bridges (GARBLT) held a seminar on April 7, 2021 under title “Design of Asphalt Mix using Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements (Superpave) for Better Road Performance". Superpave technology depends mainly on the traffic volume and the climatic conditions within the project, and it is very necessary for improving quality control system , avoid current asphalt design defects and for better road performance, especially this technique has been implemented in the United States of America, European countries and some gulf countries 20 years ago.
Eng. Hossam Badr Eldin Head of Central Administration for Road Research Affairs at GARBLT gave an opening speech in which he welcomed the attendees with a brief explanation of the ongoing development works at the authority and said they started already a plan to study and purchase necessary laboratory devices for Superpave technology in the near future.
The seminar was moderated by the General Manager of the Group Eng. Sherif Mohammed Saad Al-Din Abul Senoun and Dr. Marwa Al-Bani, Teacher of Transport and Road Engineering at Port Said University, and was conducted by Consultant Engineer Adel Hammad and a group of engineers from "CGAAM" consulting office. Dr. Ahmed Al-Gabry, Dean of the Materials Institute at the Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC) also attended the seminar, and a large number of department engineers, consultants and contractors as they know the importance of using this modern technology in road projects in Egypt.
Engineer Abul Senoun said that the seminar included the latest methods of designing asphalt mixtures to be applied in Egypt, and thanked the Chairman of the General Authority for Roads and Bridges (GARBLT) for giving the Group the opportunity to run this seminar and also thanked all the participants who attended the symposium.
Dr. Mubarak Harbi Alkhyeli , the Emirati Group Partner , after a previous meeting with the Chairman of the Authority, Mr. Major General Engineer Hossam El Din Mostafa, has praised the fruitful cooperation between Egypt and the Emirates in all fields, and praised the great efforts made by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the Egyptian government, to develop the roads and bridges network in Egypt, and he welcomed participation in any future projects in this field.

Dr. Mubarak Harbi Alkhyeli , the Emirati Group Partner

Dr. Mubarak Harbi Alkhyeli , the Emirati Group Partner

Seminar for Superpave Technology at the General Authority for Roads & Bridges for Better Roads

The Egyptian-Emirates Consulting Group for Arab African Studies (CGAAM) in cooperation with the General Authority For Roads and Bridges (GARBLT) held a seminar on April 7, 2021 under title “Design of Asphalt Mix using Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements (Superpave) for Better Road Performance".
Superpave technology depends mainly on the traffic volume and the climatic conditions within the project, and it is very necessary for improving quality control system , avoid current asphalt design defects and for better road performance, especially this technique has been implemented in the United States of America, European countries and some gulf countries 20 years ago.
Eng. Hossam Badr Eldin Head of Central Administration for Road Research Affairs
at GARBLT gave an opening speech in which he welcomed the attendees with a brief explanation of the ongoing development works at the authority and said they started already a plan to study and purchase necessary laboratory devices for Superpave technology in the near future.
The seminar was moderated by the General Manager of the Group Eng. Sherif Mohammed Saad Al-Din Abul Senoun and Dr. Marwa Al-Bani, Teacher of Transport and Road Engineering at Port Said University, and was conducted by Consultant Engineer Adel Hammad and a group of engineers from "CGAAM" consulting office. Dr. Ahmed Al-Gabry, Dean of the Materials Institute at the Housing and Building National Research Center (HBRC) also attended the seminar, and a large number of department engineers, consultants and contractors as they know the importance of using this modern technology in road projects in Egypt.
Engineer Abul Senoun said that the seminar included the latest methods of designing asphalt mixtures to be applied in Egypt, and thanked the Chairman of the General Authority for Roads and Bridges (GARBLT) for giving the Group the opportunity to run this seminar and also thanked all the participants who attended the symposium.
Dr. Mubarak Harbi Alkhyeli , the Emirati Group Partner , after a previous meeting with the Chairman of the Authority, Mr. Major General Engineer Hossam El Din Mostafa, has praised the fruitful cooperation between Egypt and the Emirates in all fields, and praised the great efforts made by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and the Egyptian government, to develop the roads and bridges network in Egypt, and he welcomed participation in any future projects in this field.